Energiaköltség csökkentés -
Elküldve: 2009.04.09. 13:01
Az energiaköltségek ( azaz az energiafelhasználás ) csökkentése sokszor nem kíván mást, mint józan mérlegelést és kitartást.
Az alábbiakban adjuk közre az egyik fórum bejegyzést, az eredeti itt olvasható: http://fmclub.ning.com/xn/detail/2219403:Topic:37
( Angolul van, mint látják, legalább az írott angol szaknyelven megértését érdemes mindenkinek megtanulni.)
Daily Operations Building Optimization Plan
Getting your arms around building energy consumption and the performance of equipment can be a simple and achievable process. The traditional power plant, as far back as the 1800’s, routinely logged the operation of each piece of equipment on a regular basis. Small problems in such an operation are found early and addressed before performance and reliability are compromised. Bringing this method to building operation has dramatic results. In some cases energy consumption and demand have been reduced by 40%. Frequent “off hour” trouble calls can quickly become the exception.
The Daily Operations Building Optimization Plan modernizes the permanently drafted log sheet of the past and makes it fully adaptable to the dynamics of your building.
Step 1: The Library
A library of various equipment types has been assembled on an Excel Spreadsheet. Each parameter of checking the equipment is listed to be copy/pasted to a log sheet. A block of data to check an Air Handling Unit with a heating and cooling coil will allow for the temperature entering and leaving as well as pressures. Particulars such as, the motor running, damper position, bearing noise, and even if local lighting is on, are included. All parameters can be edited and additional library entries can be created.
Step 2: The Route
A logical route through the building mechanical rooms and equipment spaces is established. The Route should be direct and not take more than 1 hour to 1 ½ hours to tour. Larger buildings may require a number of routes. A 500,000 square foot factory will generally require three routes. Each piece of equipment is listed in the order of its sequence in the route. Include small items as well as large. A single meter reading along the Route can provide great insight.
Step 3: Creating the Log
With the route established, a Log is created by copy/pasting the Library parameters for each piece of equipment in its sequence along the Route. The Log can be printed and inserted in a binder. Carrying three previous logs with the current one in the binder will help show an immediate history or trend. In some buildings local reading may be absent and available on a building management system. An insert allowing for later gathering of that data will make referencing easy. The Log is a worksheet, so encourage additional notes.
Step 4: Walking the Route
The frequency of walking the Route will depend on your budget and staffing availability. By keeping the Route at less than 1 ½ hours it may not encroach on other routines. The ideal in an active building is to walk the route Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Monday will assure that any failure over the weekend will be found. Imagine a condensate leak in outside air stream that has built a block of ice that weighs 1,000 pounds. And no one knows when it started. The Friday walk through will find a potential weekend problem that could result into an “off hour” call in or unnoticed event leading to an emergency.
The Wednesday is a comfort and familiarity walk as well as inspection. The operator gets to know the operational sounds, smells, and basic rhythm. A change in sound can immediately alert the operator who is familiar with the normal conditions. A steam meter reading can alert the operator to an increase of 4,000 #/hour that may be as remote as a stuck back draft damper on an exhaust fan.
Your operator will have his thumb on the pulse of your building in about two weeks.
Step 5: A Second Pair of Eyes
During regular working hours the Log books will be available to a group leader or supervisor for review. Different people place priorities on operational aspects that may not have been obvious to another. Questions and discussion of the readings and operation of the equipment should be encouraged. Cross training can be aided by real examples. Routes can be traded or rotated. Many times an operator will take ownership of his Route area. Friendly competition may begin to demonstrate who has the best uptime or greatest energy reduction. Your building will be the ultimate winner.
Step 6: The Work List
Generate a work list from the Logs on a weekly basis. Initially the Logs will show lacking or inoperable gauges and thermometers as well as other items that will not allow a reading. All these will make the work list. A simple list of one line job descriptions on a clip board works well when the operators prioritize their own jobs. Building Maintenance Work Orders can be generated when appropriate. A list of about thirty jobs is very workable. Expect the easier ones to be picked up and completed first. It is not unusual to find four or five larger unpleasant jobs lingering. Those are good jobs for the supervisor to assign to two or more mechanics.
Step 7: Evolution
An Evolution of the building operation will begin with the initial steps. Those tasks of sensing device replacement will lead to a deeper questioning of the equipment operation. Replacing temperature sensors can show a low temperature differential of a unit or a system. A chilled water system may be circulating at only a small capacity of its design. You send out cold water and expect warmer water to return. This condition can exist for years. Imagine a company sending out product and expecting money in return. Red flags would wave if none or too little returned. The money spent on an inefficient building system cuts deeper into the budget as energy costs rise. The awareness of your building operation using the Daily Operations Building Optimization Plan will point out waste as quickly as a lack of cash flow at the accounting department. After six months of use most facilities will achieve dramatic success. Energy and demand costs will drop. Reliability will be high and repair costs will begin to drop. Trouble calls and emergencies will be greatly reduced.
Reduce energy consumption and reduce your carbon foot print. These steps are simple and achievable. A lot of technology is being developed as sustainable methods. The Daily Operations Building Optimization Plan is something you can do today. It is a sustainability effort with a payback.
Az alábbiakban adjuk közre az egyik fórum bejegyzést, az eredeti itt olvasható: http://fmclub.ning.com/xn/detail/2219403:Topic:37
( Angolul van, mint látják, legalább az írott angol szaknyelven megértését érdemes mindenkinek megtanulni.)
Daily Operations Building Optimization Plan
Getting your arms around building energy consumption and the performance of equipment can be a simple and achievable process. The traditional power plant, as far back as the 1800’s, routinely logged the operation of each piece of equipment on a regular basis. Small problems in such an operation are found early and addressed before performance and reliability are compromised. Bringing this method to building operation has dramatic results. In some cases energy consumption and demand have been reduced by 40%. Frequent “off hour” trouble calls can quickly become the exception.
The Daily Operations Building Optimization Plan modernizes the permanently drafted log sheet of the past and makes it fully adaptable to the dynamics of your building.
Step 1: The Library
A library of various equipment types has been assembled on an Excel Spreadsheet. Each parameter of checking the equipment is listed to be copy/pasted to a log sheet. A block of data to check an Air Handling Unit with a heating and cooling coil will allow for the temperature entering and leaving as well as pressures. Particulars such as, the motor running, damper position, bearing noise, and even if local lighting is on, are included. All parameters can be edited and additional library entries can be created.
Step 2: The Route
A logical route through the building mechanical rooms and equipment spaces is established. The Route should be direct and not take more than 1 hour to 1 ½ hours to tour. Larger buildings may require a number of routes. A 500,000 square foot factory will generally require three routes. Each piece of equipment is listed in the order of its sequence in the route. Include small items as well as large. A single meter reading along the Route can provide great insight.
Step 3: Creating the Log
With the route established, a Log is created by copy/pasting the Library parameters for each piece of equipment in its sequence along the Route. The Log can be printed and inserted in a binder. Carrying three previous logs with the current one in the binder will help show an immediate history or trend. In some buildings local reading may be absent and available on a building management system. An insert allowing for later gathering of that data will make referencing easy. The Log is a worksheet, so encourage additional notes.
Step 4: Walking the Route
The frequency of walking the Route will depend on your budget and staffing availability. By keeping the Route at less than 1 ½ hours it may not encroach on other routines. The ideal in an active building is to walk the route Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Monday will assure that any failure over the weekend will be found. Imagine a condensate leak in outside air stream that has built a block of ice that weighs 1,000 pounds. And no one knows when it started. The Friday walk through will find a potential weekend problem that could result into an “off hour” call in or unnoticed event leading to an emergency.
The Wednesday is a comfort and familiarity walk as well as inspection. The operator gets to know the operational sounds, smells, and basic rhythm. A change in sound can immediately alert the operator who is familiar with the normal conditions. A steam meter reading can alert the operator to an increase of 4,000 #/hour that may be as remote as a stuck back draft damper on an exhaust fan.
Your operator will have his thumb on the pulse of your building in about two weeks.
Step 5: A Second Pair of Eyes
During regular working hours the Log books will be available to a group leader or supervisor for review. Different people place priorities on operational aspects that may not have been obvious to another. Questions and discussion of the readings and operation of the equipment should be encouraged. Cross training can be aided by real examples. Routes can be traded or rotated. Many times an operator will take ownership of his Route area. Friendly competition may begin to demonstrate who has the best uptime or greatest energy reduction. Your building will be the ultimate winner.
Step 6: The Work List
Generate a work list from the Logs on a weekly basis. Initially the Logs will show lacking or inoperable gauges and thermometers as well as other items that will not allow a reading. All these will make the work list. A simple list of one line job descriptions on a clip board works well when the operators prioritize their own jobs. Building Maintenance Work Orders can be generated when appropriate. A list of about thirty jobs is very workable. Expect the easier ones to be picked up and completed first. It is not unusual to find four or five larger unpleasant jobs lingering. Those are good jobs for the supervisor to assign to two or more mechanics.
Step 7: Evolution
An Evolution of the building operation will begin with the initial steps. Those tasks of sensing device replacement will lead to a deeper questioning of the equipment operation. Replacing temperature sensors can show a low temperature differential of a unit or a system. A chilled water system may be circulating at only a small capacity of its design. You send out cold water and expect warmer water to return. This condition can exist for years. Imagine a company sending out product and expecting money in return. Red flags would wave if none or too little returned. The money spent on an inefficient building system cuts deeper into the budget as energy costs rise. The awareness of your building operation using the Daily Operations Building Optimization Plan will point out waste as quickly as a lack of cash flow at the accounting department. After six months of use most facilities will achieve dramatic success. Energy and demand costs will drop. Reliability will be high and repair costs will begin to drop. Trouble calls and emergencies will be greatly reduced.
Reduce energy consumption and reduce your carbon foot print. These steps are simple and achievable. A lot of technology is being developed as sustainable methods. The Daily Operations Building Optimization Plan is something you can do today. It is a sustainability effort with a payback.