NATO beszerzés: IFM Support Services at Pápa Airbase

A Magyar Létesítménygazdálkodási Szövetség nyilvános létesítménygazdálkodási fóruma.
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NATO beszerzés: IFM Support Services at Pápa Airbase

HozzászólásSzerző: Czerny » 2020.05.20. 17:11

NATO beszerzési kiírás: Integrated Facility Management Support Services at Papa Airbase

Provision of Integrated Facility Management Support Services to NATO Strategic Airlift Capability Program at Papa Airbase, Hungary
Az FBO az alábbi linken érhető el: ... d=20AMM003
A regisztrációval kapcsolatos információk és a link szintén megtalálhatók az FBO dokumentumban: ... pplier.htm

Short summary and further details
NSPA has a requirement for Provision of Integrated Facility Management Support Services to NATO Strategic Airlift Capability Program at Papa Airbase to be contracted for.
It is planned that in June 2020, NSPA to publish respective Request for Proposal (RFP documentation).
The requirement is detailed on NSPA e-portal under Future Business Opportunities (FBO) at: ... i=0&lng=en
Supply Opportunity No. 20AMM003 : Facility Management Services
Estimated Quantity: Approx. 23,000 square meters (164,000 cubic meters in buildings) of facilities; 25,000 square meters of hardened surfaces and 25,000 square meters of green areas
Tentative RFP Date: 22 June 2020
Quality Assurance Level: To be specified in the Statement of Work (min. ISO 9001:2015)
Authorized Supplier Countries: All NATO Nations, Finland and Sweden
Complementary Item Description
The Contractor shall provide integrated Facility Management Support
Services to NATO Strategic Airlift Capability Programme at Papa
Airbase, Hungary.
The services will include infrastructure operation and maintenance, specialized equipment maintenance, Computer Aided Facility Management, minor new works, cleaning, waste management (selective and hazardous), snow and ice removal, gardening, pest control, furniture move and maintenance.
Contract Duration: NSPA intention is to award an Outline Agreement.
Initially valid for three-year duration with NSPA options for extension for either one further period of two years or two further periods of one year.

Planned Contract Award: December 2020

Planned Start of Services: May 2021

Companies interested in this solicitation are to ensure they are registered with NSPA.
Details on the registration process can be found on the NSPA Web site ... pplier.htm
Interested companies are encouraged to continue visiting this website as updated information on the project may be posted via this medium.
E-Mail: <>

Please be informed that prior receiving Request for Proposal the registration with NSPA as eligible Supplier & Service provider is mandatory.
With the registration, companies are recommended to declare their interest to receive Request for Proposal (RFP) for FBO 20AMM003.
Communication with NSPA shall be conducted in the English language.
Hozzászólások: 2233
Csatlakozott: 2008.05.20. 19:30

Vissza: FM Guru Fórum

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